Birthday Adventure

Today is my 3Xth birthday. I celebrated by having a long hot shower, and doing the laundry. You quickly run out of clean clothes on the boat, so these are a luxury item. For Stew’s 3Xth, he was half way up the world’s tallest mountain. I remember thinking what an Read more…

Rest day in Ipswich

No wind today, so a day off the water. We got our chores done quickly in the morning – the boat got a wash down; starboard oil filters changed; and gear rinsed. We were rewarded by a lovely afternoon in Ipswich with Stew’s Dad. The highlight, the homemade oatmeal cookiesIn Read more…

Almost Famous

Sea Paling was one of the coolest places we stayed, at least from an engineering perspective. As part of the sea defences 9 man-made reefs have been built ontop of a pre-existing sand bar to help stop errosion. The first 4, built in 1995, stand 2.8m above high water and Read more…

Awash on The Wash

We woke this morning to a millpond, we could see the whole reflection of the boat on the surface of the water. Giving into the fact there was no chance in kiting, we instead rigged up a wake-board towline from the handle of an old, very sharp, boat hook and Read more…

Flying the nest

Today we left Hull’s marina gates for the first time, leaving our home for the last week. We made our way down to Cleethorpes, taking about the same time it took us to drive on Saturday . We’d earmarked the day to practice rescue drills and what a perfect day Read more…

Hello from Hull!

Hi everyone! I’m Oscar, and I’ll be helping the Kite Britain team for the start of their journey.  Today I received my first kite lesson from Islay while Stew and Joe squeezed into their wetsuits to stay warm in the frigid surf.  It was an incredible experience feeling the power Read more…