Day 100

We’re almost done! Only 90 miles left to go before we’re back to our start point outside Haile Sand Fort at the mouth of the Humber. With no wind today we took a quick stock of what food we have left. Obviously all the best bits get regularly replenished, for Read more…

A Holy Island Day

The Farne Islands are famous for their wildlife, providing a secluded breeding ground for puffins, seals, and a host of migratory birds that come here to enjoy the nutritious goodies found in the surrounding mudflats. A number of keen birdwatchers and friends had recommended we stop on the way, so Read more…

Just Lazing

Every once in a while it feels good to just do nothing. We stayed up slightly later than we probably should have to enjoy the fireworks. The second set we’ve seen while in Scotland. So this morning it felt good to wake up slowly, eat a breakfast of fire engine Read more…

Langoustine Breakfast

No need for an alarm clock this morning, only Jeremy was able to sleep through the racket the kittiwakes were making at 06:00. Poking my head outside I could understand why. A local fishing boat had arrived back and was cleaning out their hold. Large chunks of crab, langoustine and Read more…

Surfing in the harbour

Before we went to bed we’d put out extra lines. We weren’t the only ones, we watched as the whole marina battened down the hatches ready for a big storm. You could hear the creaks from the pontoons as all the boats stretched and banged against them. Even though Peterhead Read more…

Sleep Over

Luke stayed with us for a sleep over last night. Typical irresponsible adults we’d stayed up late playing cards and listening to music. While Kath, at home, worried about the lightning storm they were experiencing, and we somehow avoided. When Bryce arrived to pickup Luke this morning we took advantage Read more…

Laser Sailing

Trish has been staying with us since Scrabster – an epic journey to one of the furthest places from London she could reach. I was sorry to see her go this morning at 05:00, but simultaneously excited to see it appeared relatively fog free. Unfortunately by the time the tide Read more…

Pigeon Racing

On our walk home from the county fair we saw a truck full of pigeons. Curious we went to investigate. Apparently this morning all of the birds should have been released for the North Roads Championship, Thurso race. The pigeons were all kept in drawers open to the outside for Read more…