Coming into Kilmore Quay last night we were like a well oiled machine. The berth we were allocated (or at least we thought we were), was down the middle isle of pontoons. After heading down to look at the spot we then only had about 3 foot either side to pivot the 90 degrees to get in it. With a boat on the next door arm, there was also only a 3 foot horizontal lee way. It was a tight squeeze but Joe’s had some practice manoeuvring over the last two months and made it in perfectly. Think we were all relieved this wasn’t the first berth we had to get into 50 days ago, as we’ve all learnt so much since then. They say practice makes perfect, and good thing too as we found that we were actually supposed to be in the berth two along. The owner of our current spot was coming back soon so this morning we had to move again. Don’t think we’d been in our new place for long before our previous one was filled. Speaking to Nicky, the Harbour Master, we should be good here for another week. The wind looks light for the next few days but hopefully we won’t be here for that long!

Within an hour of our arrival we’d already washed all the wetsuits and given the boat a well needed rinse off (especially after the puffins had used it for target practice). Unfortunately the quay only has one small washing machine, so that was a more involved task. We’ve been anchoring where we can, and although both Padstow and Milford Haven have had launderette facilities both days we’ve arrived too late and left too early to make use of them. Think we were all happy to be able to have a shower and put on a non-salty set of clothes.

After a day of jobs we met up with Joe’s aunt and uncle in the local pub for our first pint of true Irish Guinness. Really does taste better here!

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